Scroll down to donate to our general fund, donate to specific causes, or set up monthly tithing.
Donations can also be mailed to OUMC at:
PO Box 278
Ocracoke, NC 27960
Special Offerings and Collections
Click the arrow on the photo for a description. Click the photo to donate.
Brick Drive Community Lunches
Brick Fundraiser
AN OPPORTUNITY FOR COMMEMORATIONWe are planning to extend our brick walkway to encompass our new front stairway and we need your help! Commemorate a family member, friend, loved one, or company in a personally engraved brick to rest in front of Ocracoke United Methodist Church. We plan to use the proceeds from this fundraiser to build the walkway and finish the remainder of repairs needed on the church.
Bricks are $75 each and can be ordered online at Printed order forms are also available in the front entryway of the church. Order forms and checks can be made out to OUMC, Memo: Brick Drive and mailed to: OUMCPO Box 278 Ocracoke, NC 27960
If you have any questions, please contact:Will
Community Lunches
OUMC provides meals for as many as 20 homebound community members. While initially funded by a grant, this program is now run completely on donations. Donations can be made to OUMC with "community lunches" in the memo. You may also volunteer to cook and/or deliver meals any weekday.
In Memoriam Building Fund Desirée's Seminary Fund
This fund honors those who loved Ocracoke UMC. Our Affirmation of Faith states that we "believe in the communion of saints" and we do. We believe that when we worship and pray together, when we do good work in the community, we are joining with the saints who went before us, those who modeled faithful living. It is an honor to do our ministry in memory of your loved ones.
Building Fund
We are back in our church, but there is plenty left to be done. While we have had overwhelming support, we are still raising funds to address concerns such as roof and septic replacement, emergencies, and the final details of getting our church back to 100% working capacity.
Checks can be made out to OUMC with "Building Fund" in the memo.
(Photo: Casey Robertson)
Desirée's Seminary Fund
Our very own Desirée Christa Ricker has been accepted to Duke Divinity School to pursue her Master of Divinity. We are helping her to raise funds on her path to ordination! You've seen her leading the choir, acting silly with Sunday School students, organizing fundraisers and working hard as our Worship Director. She has the opportunity to recieve an annual matching scholarship from Duke and UM Dollars for Scholars if she raises $1,000 through the church.
If you would like to donate to this fundraiser, checks can be made out to OUMC with "Desirée Seminary" in the memo.
WNC Relief Fund
OUMC will be collecting funds for our brothers & sisters in the western part of the state who have been affected by Hurricane Helene.
A special offering will be collected each Sunday of October. Please make checks out to OUMC with "WNC Relief" in the memo.
We will also be collecting goods and organizing opportunities to volunteer. If you are interested in joining a crew please email us at
Almighty God of wind and water, give your people strength and enable us to do your good works by helping one another. Amen.
As we rebuild our Nursery, Sunday School Classrooms, Library and create a Prayer Room, there are many items that we lost in Hurricane Dorian and are looking to replace. To purchase an item on our list, click the Amazon photo to visit our "OUMC Wish List."